Counselling Services :
In the clinic, the services of four experienced counsellors are available throughout the week except Sundays. We provide personal counselling and family therapy. People from all walks of life irrespective of religion make use of it. Children and adolescents with academic or relationship issues, couples in marital conflict and adults in emotional distress of various sorts receive counselling help. Following the contemporary standards of practice the TMAIC ensures highest quality of care to our clients.Where necessary, psychiatric help would be given by appropriate referral. The Institute provides quality service at an affordable cost to the public. We also provide appropriate subsidy to the financially needy. No one is sent away for want of money.
Short Term Counselling Training :
The Institute offers certificate course in basic skills in counselling. This course for the beginners is offered as 50 hrs programme arranged on Saturdays. The same is also offered as an evening course arranged on Fridays and Saturdays. Persons from various vocations such as teachers, lecturers, social workers, doctors, police officers, bank officers, nuns and priests make use of this opportunity.
The Institute offers Post gradute (Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy - MCP), Diploma course (Diploma in Clinical Pastoral Counselling- DCPC) and Ceritificate in Supervised Counselling Practice ( CSCP).
Brief Workshops:
The Instituteoffers a wide array of seminars and workshops, for the public throughout the year. It also provides short term workshops and trainings in psychotherapy, research methodology etc. for the professional development of psychologists and counsellors.
Courses for Adolescents :
Institute extends courses for adolescents in different areas such as personality development, life skills, prepration for exams and aptitude tests.
Christian Nurture:
The staff of this institute provides valuable leadership to the church in nurturing its members in faith. Such leadership is provided at camps and conferences organized for children, youth and adults. Leadership is also provided at lay training programmes, pre marital training courses and family life education programmes.